About the case
The school was founded in 1995, with the intention of modifying the mechanical learning method in the classroom, seeking transformative education for students, families and employees.
The school is located in the city of São Paulo and for 25 years has sought to provide welcoming experiences so that students feel respected and safe.
Implement a custom access control system
the APP that the school already used to control entry and exit
of students so that it informs about the students’ health, through
of a daily Health Self-Declaration, ensuring greater
safety for everyone during the pandemic. The turnstiles have
facial recognition and temperature measurement, adhering to
contactless solutions. Furthermore, the school has
escort settings, i.e. for the student to enter or leave,
must be accompanied by the responsible person. In environments
internal areas such as the court, for example, which have control over
access, they need to be accompanied by the teacher.
- Invenzi access control solution for 4000 users and 4 remote workstations;
- 9 facials.