About the case
The Pinacoteca de São Paulo is a visual arts museum focused on Brazilian production conceived from the 19th century to contemporary times, always considering dialogues with different cultures around the world. Founded in 1905 by the Government of the State of São Paulo, the Pinacoteca is the oldest art museum in the city. The Pinacoteca also prepares and presents multidisciplinary public projects, in addition to hosting a comprehensive and inclusive educational program.
Over the years he formed a significant collection. Currently, its collection has around 11 thousand pieces, including works by important Brazilian artists such as Anita Malfatti, Lygia Clark, Tarsila do Amaral, Almeida Júnior, Pedro Alexandrino, Candido Portinari, Oscar Pereira da Silva, among others.
Implementation of an access control system that meets the needs of the Pinacoteca in São Paulo, with 10,000 users and the possibility of two simultaneous connections. For this, 38 proximity readers and 38 biometric readers will be used, making the Pinacoteca environment even safer and more dynamic.
- License for 10000 active users;
- License for 2 simultaneous connections;
- License to use 38 proximity readers;
- Biometric reader license 38;
- License to control 10 IO’S;
- License to use 3 Cameras at the same time.