About the case
The Public Ministry of the State of Minas Gerais (MPMG) is an autonomous public institution, responsible for defending the rights of citizens and the interests of society. The purpose of its existence focuses on three pillars: defending the legal order, the democratic regime and unavailable social and individual interests.
As a defender of the legal order, the Public Prosecutor’s Office is the inspector of the law, that is, it works to ensure that it is faithfully complied with. To this end, it has functional, administrative and financial autonomy, not being part of or subordinate to the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary Powers.
To meet the security needs of the Public Ministry of Minas Gerais, a system will be implemented that serves around 26,000 active users, with an unlimited number of simultaneous connections. For this project, customized management reports will be developed taking into account the project’s business rules and will also have integration with the document scanner used on site.
- License for 26000 active users;
- Unlimited license for simultaneous connections;
- License to use 246 proximity readers;
- License to use 210 Biometrics readers;
- License to use 26 facials;
- License to control 10 IO’S;
- License to use 8 Cameras at the same time;
- License to use 4 LPR Cameras.