About the case
A highly specific occupation and building management project was developed, conducted by a company specialized in the field. This project encompasses several approaches that validate the reduction of expenses through the improvement of daily activities.
The slabs, distributed over 24 floors, have ample spaces between the central core and the facade, optimizing the use of tenant space. This disposition is strengthened by sustainable attributes, which not only contribute to the environment, but also encourage the reduction of condominium charges.
Implement access control systems for the new development in order to allow the management of automation systems, covering both lighting and pump control.
- Invenzi W-Access access control software for 1,000 users;
- Control of 3 passages of Digicon DTower barriers with proximity readers;
- Control of 5 doors with proximity readers;
- Control of turnstiles with proximity readers;
- Control of the enterprise’s automation devices, performing all automatic activation/deactivation of lighting and pumps.