About the case
Founded in 2000, Alibra Ingredients is a national company, a reference in the supply of ingredients for the food industry of all sizes in Brazil and abroad, in addition to operating in food service and retail.
Nowadays, it exports its products to Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and the Caribbean, and has a manufacturing and logistics structure with the capacity to supply inputs and final products to all regions of the country.
Implement an access control system at terminals
14 and 15 of Alibra in the Port of Santos, which integrated with
the BDCC – Common Accreditation Database,
system that issues an identification badge necessary for
access of people and vehicles to customs areas
and other locations in Porto. Furthermore, the solution validates
than in “LBN” – White and black list, blocking access from
employees if necessary as indicated.
Terminal 14
- Invenzi access control solution for 5,000 users;
- 4 workstations;
- 15 controlled points (turnstiles, turnstiles, doors and gates).
Terminal 15
- Invenzi access control solution for 5,000 users;
- 4 workstations;
- 8 controlled points (turnstiles, turnstiles, doors and gates).